Here are a few tips and tricks to ensure you get the best out of your Plumbing, Heating and Drainage.
- Annual servicing ensures a boiler services remains safe and efficient.
- A thermostat will enable you to regulate the temperature.
- A smart thermostat enables you to control your heating from your phone.
- Time your thermostat – use heating when you need to, not continuously.
- Do not have your system turned up unnecessarily high.
- If your boiler is 10/15 years old, consider investing in a new more efficient model.
- Thermostatic radiator valves let you control the temperature in each room.
- In you have immersion heater, have a timer fitted to the hot water tank.
- Insulating your roof space is a simple way to reduce heat loss.
- Cavity wall insulation is another great way to reduce heat loss.
- Lagging hot water cylinder and pipes reduces heat loss.
- Double glazed windows and doors efficiently reduce heat loss.
- A water saving shower head reduces your water consumption.
- Time your shower – try and keep it under 5 minutes.
- Fix drips – changing washers could save hundreds of litres lost a year.
- A water saver in your toilet cistern reduces water being flushed.
- Upgrade your toilet to a dual flush system.
- Check your meter – only pay for water you are using.
- Make sure your hot water thermostat isn’t set too high.
- Check the efficiency rating before buying any appliance that uses water.
- Check you property for overflowing toilets and water tanks.
- Have your plumbing checked over far leaking underground pipes.